Visual Identity


Brand Story

At Insta360, we champion the boldest, craziest, wildest of ideas and put them into action. When other people say “That’s impossible”, we say “Let’s do it”. From a cliff dive to a cinematic production, Insta360 cameras help you capture the magic in every moment.


To help people better capture and share their lives.


To become one of the world’s top camera brands through bold innovation.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Messaging Pillars

Highest Quality Standards

Rhoncus nisl a, morbi maecenas ut facilisis netus. Pellentesque urna faucibus etiam in elementum. Varius facilisis turpis tempus suspendisse fermentum, enim neque arcu. Venenatis

  • Cited

  • Primary Sources

  • Non-obscure

According to sources on the Hill, the President of the United States is drafting a bill for Congress to decriminalize online sports betting.


Interns on the Hill overhear a rumor from the California State Senator's secretary that the POTUS is entertaining the idea of making online sports betting legal and wants to bring this idea to Congress.

Customer Service Comes First

Rhoncus nisl a, morbi maecenas ut facilisis netus. Pellentesque urna faucibus etiam in elementum. Varius facilisis turpis tempus suspendisse fermentum, enim neque arcu. Venenatis

  • Unambiguous

  • Clear

  • Practical

According to sources on the Hill, the President of the United States is drafting a bill for Congress to decriminalize online sports betting.


Interns on the Hill overhear a rumor from the California State Senator's secretary that the POTUS is entertaining the idea of making online sports betting legal.

Respect People and the Environment

Rhoncus nisl a, morbi maecenas ut facilisis netus. Pellentesque urna faucibus etiam in elementum. Varius facilisis turpis tempus suspendisse fermentum, enim neque arcu. Venenatis

  • Empowering

  • Friendly

  • Precise

According to sources on the Hill, the President of the United States is drafting a bill for Congress to decriminalize online sports betting.


Interns on the Hill overhear a rumor from the California State Senator's secretary that the POTUS is entertaining the idea of making online sports betting legal.



Logo & Slogan combination

For projects related to "Think bold.", it is recommended to use a combination of slogan and logo.

Logo & Slogan grid

To ensure the correct display of the slogan and logo together, please maintain the necessary clear space around the slogan and logo.


The slogan can be used separately from the logo, but please pay attention to the case and punctuation of the slogan.

Slogan grid

To ensure the slogan is displayed effectively, please maintain the necessary clear space around the slogan.


This animation is suitable for the end of a video with the "Think bold." theme.

Wrong usage of slogan

Please strictly follow the correct case and punctuation
Do not capitalize the "b" in bold
Do not omit the English full stop/period at the end of the slogan
Do not change the capitalization of the slogan or put it in all caps


Primary Palettes

Primary color - 1

HEX                 #FFD200
CMYK              0 12 100 0
Pantone          108 C

Primary color - 2

HEX                 #000000
CMYK              0 0 0 100
Pantone          Black 7 C

Primary color - 3

HEX                 #FFFFFF
CMYK              0 0 0 0
Pantone          /

Secondary Palettes

Secondary color - 1 - 1

HEX                 #FFEE00
CMYK              0 0 100 0
Pantone          102 C

Secondary color - 1 - 2

HEX                 #FFD200
CMYK              0 12 100 0
Pantone          108 C

Secondary color - 1 - 3

HEX                 #F7B300
CMYK              0 28 100 0
Pantone          130 C

Secondary color - 2 - 1

HEX                 #FF7373
CMYK              0 60 44 0
Pantone          2345 C

Secondary color - 2 - 2

HEX                 #FF4040
CMYK              0 82 79 0
Pantone          Warm Red C

Secondary color - 2 - 3

HEX                 #E52222
CMYK              0 98 86 0
Pantone          485 C

Secondary color - 3 - 1

HEX                 #6CD99A
CMYK              56 2 39 1
Pantone          346 C

Secondary color - 3 - 2

HEX                 #1BC864
CMYK              77 0 96 4
Pantone          7479 C

Secondary color - 3 - 3

HEX                 #18B259
CMYK              84 0 90 4
Pantone          2257 C

Secondary color - 4 - 1

HEX                 #63BBFF
CMYK              43 0 0 0
Pantone          292 C

Secondary color - 4 - 2

HEX                 #31A5FF
CMYK              63 18 0 0
Pantone          298 C

Secondary color - 4 - 3

HEX                 #0088F2
CMYK              66 27 0 0
Pantone          2193 C

Neutral Palettes

Neutral color - 1

HEX                 #FFFFFF
CMYK              0 0 0 0
Pantone          /

Neutral color - 2

HEX                 #F8F9FC
CMYK              3 0 0 0
Pantone          115-1 C

Neutral color - 3

HEX                 #EDEFF2
CMYK              4 0 0 0
Pantone          115-1 C

Neutral color - 4

HEX                 #EBEBED
CMYK              6, 2, 0, 0
Pantone          106-1 C

Neutral color - 5

HEX                 #D2D2D6
CMYK              15 11 11 0
Pantone          Cool Gray 2 C

Neutral color - 6

HEX                 #B6B6C0
CMYK              24 18 16 0
Pantone          Cool Gray 5 C

Neutral color - 7

HEX                 #76767F
CMYK              52 38 30 14
Pantone          Cool Gray 9 C

Neutral color - 8

HEX                 #515157
CMYK              61 51 49 34
Pantone          Cool Gray 11 C

Neutral color - 9

HEX                 #262629
CMYK              73 66 66 84
Pantone          Black C

Gradient Palettes

Gradient color - 1

HEX                 #FFEE00 - #FFD200
CMYK              0 0 100 0 - 0 12 100 0
Pantone          Yellow C - 108 C

Gradient color - 2

HEX                 #FF7373 - #FF4040
CMYK              0 60 44 0 - 0 82 79 0
Pantone          2345 C - Warm Red C

Gradient color - 3

HEX                 #6CD99A - #1BC864
CMYK              56 2 39 1 - 77 0 96 4
Pantone          346 C - 7479 C

Gradient color - 4

HEX                 #63BBFF - #31A5FF
CMYK              43 0 0 0 - 63 18 0 0
Pantone          292 C - 298 C

Color ratio

Light theme

For interface and product-related materials, please default to gray and white, and use yellow only for highlighting and embellishing.

Dark theme

For a dark theme, please use dark gray and black as the main colors, and use yellow to highlight and accent.

Exhibition & Event

For offline settings where you need to catch the eye, you can use this color scheme with a large proportion of yellow.


Product Font

We expanded the glyphs of the Insta360 logo to design the Insta360 product font, which is used to display the names of our cameras, as well as some accessories.

Western Font

We recommend Gilroy as a font for Latin characters in the promotion of action camera products.

We recommend Gilroy as a font for Latin characters in the promotion of action camera products.

Other Fonts

We recommend using Noto font as a font for other languages. Noto font is divided into Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Thai and other languages, please pay attention to the difference.


When you mix fonts of different languages, please set different fonts for different languages. When mixing Chinese and Latin languages, please add a space between Chinese and Latin languages. (Not required for Japanese and Korean)

Do set different fonts separately
Do not use Noto for all languages
Do add a space between Chinese and Latin characters
Do not omit the space between Chinese and Latin characters